A Winning Weekend??

Hello Lovely Readers. Hope you are enjoying the beautiful sunshine? Happy Mothers Day to those celebrating it today too.

I have sooooooo much to tell you about, think it might take several posts. Not so much of it crafty either, but lovely none the less.

Yesterday started off very well with the postman at the door. Big J said “I bet its more wool” and rolled his eyes!!! Its official then… my kids think I’m weird!!! He was wrong though. It wasn’t more yarn at all. Here’s what it was…

I had a message last week from Ann over at Tickled Pink Crafts. Turns out I’d won their giveaway! 😀 I never normally win anything, so much excitement occurred. The competition was to think of a name for their swarm of needle felted bees. My suggestion was a “tickle” of bees and the little chap above is my reward. Big J named him Alfred and both boys had to have a bit of a play with him in a puppet-like manner. Alfred has now taken up residence in the plants on the kitchen windowsill, right next to the sink so he can cheer me up when I am up to my elbows in soap suds. He may not stay there permanently because he may feel like a change of scene or a short holiday from time to time, but I think he is very pleased with his new home.

Saturday continued very successfully, with me finding my New Favourite Blog. If you want to some gorgeous and inspiring crochet and beautiful photographs have a look at Eclectic Gypsyland. I found a stunning pin on pinterest of a long crocheted cardigan and had to see where it was from and the link led me there. The name totally sucked me in initially but then I saw the photos. A lot of it is in French but much is translated into English too, so make sure you scroll down a bit. But who need to be able to read it with pictures like that??? Have to say I didn’t understand the current passion for caravans that seem to be around but now I totally get it. I even had to google to see how much one would cost to buy lol!!! …..Dream on Patch….

Saturday afternoon was equally wonderful. Mr Patch, myself and the boys wandered down to the local Folk Festival to have a mooch around. There was lots of street entertainment, morris dancers, music and a parade. Have a look at my pics…

We started with this – local children showing their talents. I had a moment of seeing it through my boys eyes, knowing they had never seen anything like it before (you don’t get things like this in London!) and thought I better explain what on earth was going on!!

Accompanied by some of this.

And some of this.

Little J was a bit unsure of all the wildly dressed people wandering around but later he had to join in with his version of the dancing, bless him.

BUT these were my favourites…

Gypsy/Belly dancing/Morris Fusion!!!!Little did you know, but before Mr Patch and I were married I used to do Egyptian dance – mainly for fun and fitness. Its the same as Belly dance put more traditional and with your body more covered up. So this group really appealed to me. Amazing costumes and an excellent chance to dress up. I want to join them!!!!!

Well, that was Saturday, the Folk Festival continues today and the sun is shining again. Not sure what we are doing yet but Little J is keen to go and “hear more bands”.

Here’s hoping Sunday is as good as Saturday. Enjoy it everyone.

19 thoughts on “A Winning Weekend??

  1. lovely pics! my husband always liked the idea of me taking up belly dancing ,not sure his motives were purely fitness based!…anyway in my case i think it would have been more belly than dancing 🙂 have a lovely rest of the weekend.

    • I’ve never been small so I was a bit like that, but that’s the beauty of it. It’s a celebration of womanly curves and quite often the bigger the better!! It’s a truely good feeling learning to wobble those wobbly bits somewhere where it’s appreciated 😉 Look closely at those photos – some of those amazing ladies are very large and are letting it show 😀

      • i agree i do think ‘womanly figures’ are under appreciated especially in the media, although i have noticed a few curvier models appearing perhaps it’s to do with this vintage revival thats very popular at the moment, still , it’s a shame Cath Kidston dresses still only go up to size 16 🙂

  2. Alfred looks like he has found a lovely new home! Am so pleased you all love him – they do make good puppets don’t they?!
    The festival looks great fun, I would go along and enjoy some more whilst we still have the good weather!

  3. You may not have been so small, but you are in better shape now than you have been for years, and there are much less of the wobbly bits you worry about. Maybe it’s time to join one of the dancing groups – you used to like the Egyptian stuff.

    As for caravans, you can’t buy one – I wouldn’t be impressed if you went off to Appleby selling lucky heather. I would never hear the end of it from my colleagues.

    • Thanks Big Lil Bro. Thought a caravan would look pretty at the bottom of the garden instead of a shed with a hole in the side and a bright blue tarp on the leaky roof??

  4. Ooh, that dancing looks fun! Those costumes are lovely. And congrats on winning a giveaway. How exciting!

  5. Sounds and looks like you had a really fab time!!! Britain is pretty awesome when you think about it!! Love the shed conversation, my husband mainly lives in his – men and caves and all that : )

  6. As Mr Bloom has played many Folk gigs I love the fact we too have to explain what Morris dancing is all about to the kids and the hitting sticks bit too…… Good day out. x

  7. Pingback: Time for a Catch Up Again… Or maybe not! | madebypatch

  8. Pingback: Calling all Yorkshire Crocheters and Knitters. | madebypatch

  9. Pingback: Confusion and antici…pation (Yarning Along 3). | madebypatch

  10. Pingback: Folk Tails. | madebypatch

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