How long IS a piece of yarn??? (Yarning Along 19).

Hello Wonderful Readers! It’s been busy – did you guess??!!

There has been….. school and work and work and school, DIY, School residential trips, camper-van adventures, Halloween, Bonfire Night and more school and work.

Throughout it all there has been reading…… Crochet? Not so much.

I have read “The Witch Finder’s Sister” by Beth Underdown – I LOVED this book. Set in an historical era which I am not very familiar with, this book had me doing research so that I would understand it better. Intriguing and ultimately sinister and bone chilling right to the last word. Excellent.

The Tenderness of Wolves” by Stef Penney – I enjoyed this too. I liked the time period. I decided it was like Little House on the Prarie (my all time favourite) but set in the snow and essentially a murder mystery.

Now I am reading “Seal Skin” by Su Bristow – This one mixes myth, magic and fantasy and is based on Scottish folklore stories of selkies. I’m about halfway through and so far so good.

I have continued with the crochet shawl a little. I got to the end of the written pattern and decided to continue because there was lots of yarn left and the colour changes were just getting interesting. Now I’m playing yarn chicken. When do I stop, leaving enough for the border so that I don’t run out before it’s finished???…. Which brings us back to the title of this post!!!


I think my problem is that I want to start something new…. but I’m making myself finish the shawl first and in true rebel fashion – I don’t want to do what I’m told. It’s a good job I don’t crochet for a living!!!

If I’m not careful I would have a million crochet/knitting/craft projects on the go at once so I have to be strict with myself. Funnily enough I don’t do that with books. I’m a one book at a time kind of girl. We are having a big push on reading at school currently. Many of our pupils have limited vocabulary knowledge and some struggle with understanding what they have read so I have been trying to encourage good reading habits…. reading a little but often and sticking with one book until you finish it…. in the hope that this will help their understanding/memory of the story. Some people think it is better if you read more than one book at a time. What do you think? Can you read more than one at a time? And what about children, which do you think is best for them???

Are you a rebellious crocheter or a multiple book reader?? Joining in with Ginny’s Yarn Along.

9 thoughts on “How long IS a piece of yarn??? (Yarning Along 19).

  1. I am usually one book at a time, but may have a non fiction going on in tandem with a novel. The books you mention all sound very good. The shawl is looking lovely.
    I was gifted a some of the same yarn you are using. I eventually tracked down a pattern at the Knitting and Stitching show in Harrogate last month. Hoping to start on it in the New year. Yarn chicken is always a bit of a knife edge game to play. I try to only have one knitting and one crochet project on the go at once, but that doesn’t always happen.

    • Yes, I do sometimes have non fiction to look at alongside fiction…. but it doesn’t really count because it’s easier to dip in and out of!!! I’ll watch out for your Whirl yarn after Christmas then.

  2. I think children should be encouraged to read full stop, without rules about how many books they read at once. Unless they’re starting many and never finishing any, but as soon as you set rules about what should be an enjoyable pastime you’re in danger of making it a chore.

    I always have a book and an audio book on the go. Occasionally two books – Kindle, library or other printed book which I’ve bought or been given – but that’s quite rare.

    Milo is very photogenic!

    • That’s exactly what some of them were doing. Plus if they struggle to recall the story/plot then reading more than one is surely not going to help. Another issue is that many of them don’t read at home at all and have no support from parents. That means it takes them even longer to finish a book and makes it even harder to remember the plot. But I do understand what you mean about rules and chores.
      When my friend was visiting from Australia earlier in the year we noticed how Milo has a very noticeable chin…. it makes him look like a lion (or Jimmy Hill!!!!)

  3. I am a one book at a time person. In school I had a friend studying English ‘A’ level and she was happy to read multiple books at a time but I like to ‘live’ inside whatever book it is. Never had a problem with my children reading. My eldest might finish a short book while walking home from the library!! As to knitting and crochet. I normally have more than one project on the go and even more knocking on the door begging me to start them but then having a knitting and crochet project to turn to is good because when one of them hurts my hands I can do the other.

  4. Pingback: Reading Catch Up. (Yarning Along 20) | madebypatch

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