Another Patchy Debut.

Hello Lovely Blog Readers, how are you today??

Do you remember this post? Remember the beautiful treasure from Avis at Oh Sew Tempting? And do you remember that a little while ago I had a long awaited date with my sewing machine? Well, when I went upstairs to my workspace I rediscovered my treasure and decided to have a play with it. I had another idea brewing in my head for a little while and some of the fabric Avis had sent me was perfect for it.

BJ has had a bit of a hard time recently having been assessed and diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dyspraxia. He has been feeling sorry for himself and I thought he might need cheering up. Something to make him feel loved. We have been advised, amongst many other things, to encourage him to use some specially designed pens and pencils to help him with his writing skills. So I decide to make him his own, very special, one of a kind, pencil case to keep them in. Would you like to see it??? Ta daaaa…..


I got most of the fabric cut, pieced and quilted in my first session. Then I needed supplies – a zip, and it took a while to have the opportunity to get back to it to finish it off. But it is done now and I think he likes it very much. Its not perfect but I am pleased with it. The other side is patchwork too and has buttons and his name embroidered on it.


Now of course, I have to make another for LJ who has requested pirate fabric. I thought he might like the hedgehogs Avis. He did, but he didn’t like the hearts that were with the hedgehogs sadly.

12 thoughts on “Another Patchy Debut.

    • They are only big boys when they feel like it. Big J, who is 8 and therefore 3 years older than LJ, bought himself another cuddly toy at the weekend!! Nevermind. I have other plans for the hedgehogs.

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