Here is the news… (April 2019).

Don’t worry folks, we are still here in Patchland!!!

2019 has been pretty eventful so far…. Let’s see if I can catch you up with all that has been happening so far.

January started well with new sofa purchases, after redecorating the living room, and a rescheduled birthday celebration for LJ, after the original one was cancelled because he was ill. A highlight for me was going to see Frank Turner at Victoria Warehouse in Manchester with BigLittleBro.

Then things went a bit rubbish for a while. In fact, two things happened at once…. I got proper, full-on flu (which I think I caught at the gig!) and Mr P’s father died. This meant that Mr P was away for some time sorting things out while I was totally wiped out for a week and still recuperating for a second week. It was tough all round but we are through it now.


By the time we got to half term we were ready for a break and had booked a cottage in Northumberland and a trip to the observatory in Kielder Forest to learn more about the stars. We were super lucky with the weather and had a gloriously clear night with an almost full moon, but the highlight was being able to take photos through the telescopes with our phone cameras. At the end of half term we had the funeral which (sounds weird to say it) was lovely. So many people said wonderful things to Mr P about his Dad and it was really good to get together with lots of family that we don’t see very often.

Since then it has been a rather long half term which included a residential visit, World Book Day, Science Week, a work experience placement for Thing 1 and a significant birthday for me (ssshhhhh!!!). Thing 1 was understandably worried about his placement (at a local independent motor vehicle accident repair centre) before he went, but once he was there he thoroughly enjoyed it and received a glowing report from them… so proud of him.


Grandma and Grandad Patch have been settling in nicely to their new (closer) home. They have a new family member too… Welcome Charliedog…

This holiday there has been a lot of chilling, some fishing, camping and climbing, some crafting and creating – but I think I’ll tell you about the making in another post.

And there you have it, that’s the news for now. Phew, a lot can happen in a few months!!! What’s your news???

2 thoughts on “Here is the news… (April 2019).

  1. So sorry for your loss. 😦

    Happy to hear about the other goings-on, and happy birthday! Lovely photos, as usual. That moon! Also purple glitter shoes. Those rock.

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