…. and Forwards.


2018 was a lot of fun. Having looked back at the tentative plans I made for 2018 I can see that progress was made in a lot of different ways.

Redecorating was on the list and we succeeded in redecorating the living room ourselves (…boy did it need it!). Hurrah!!

Another thing on my list for work was to improve reading in class. This has been knocked out of the park through my involvement with the AR reading project (which I didn’t know about when I wrote it on my list). I’ve been working on it in the afternoons with Y6 with overall improvement and some amazing achievements. It’s being expanded to include Y5 and some Y4 in the Spring Term. It has also had a knock on effect in my morning class and made me think about my own reading habits… how I should take it more seriously and focus on it a little more, consider what I read, rather than reading any old thing that is offered cheap on Kindle. It’s definitely staying on this years list.


Plans for 2019???…

Are probably going to be very similar to those for 2018. They are things I want to get better at/improve. They are not S.M.A.R.T. They are open-ended (manageable, achievable, not overly optimistic….  is that a new mnemonic??? O.E.M.A.N.O.O??!!).


So here’s to tentative plans that are O.E.M.A.N.O.O!!!! Here’s to a fresh start, a new beginning.

May your hopes and plans be hugely successful and may 2019 be a fantastic year for each and everyone of you.




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